Foster Care Statistics
Over 400,000 children are in Foster Care in the United States. The children are removed when their families can no longer take care of them.

Current statistics for Foster Youth
415,129 children were in foster care on September 30th, 2014, a 4% increase from 2012
264,746 children entered care - that translates to a child entering care every two minutes in the United States
238,230 children existed foster care
107,918 children waiting to be adopted on September 30th, 2014
60,898 children waiting to be adopted whose parental rights (for all living parents) were terminated
50,644 children adopted with public child welfare agency involvement
Where are Foster Youth living?
- 4% Pre-Adoptive Home
- 29% Foster Family Home (Relative)
- 46% Foster Family Home (Non-Relative)
- 6% Group Home
- 8% Institution
- 1% Supervised Independent Living
- 1% Runaway
- 5% Trail Home Visit
How the Children are currently leaving the system
- 51% Reunification with Parent(s) or Primary Caretaker(s)
- 7% Living with other Relative(s)
- 21% Adoption
- 9% Emancipation
- 9% Guardianship
- 2% Transfer to Another Agency
- 0% (1,138) Runaway
- 0% (326) Death